5 Reasons Why You Should Never Buy Replica Or Knockoff Sunglasses

The fact cannot be denied that replica or knockoff products are available everywhere. From Denim jeans to Coach wallets to the Versace handbag and those superb Ray Ban sunglasses- one can find a similar looking pair for throwaway prices. There is always someone out there who tries to copy the original branded stuff, and some do so quite successfully. So what’s wrong in purchasing fakes at comparatively cheaper prices? Aren’t you getting the ‘brand name’ to flaunt?

Well, my friend, there are problems aplenty, some which can be quite detrimental to your health and budget. In accessories, let’s consider designer sunglasses- how the original stuff is much better than the replica. The following 5 reasons will thoroughly convince you to buy only authentic sunglasses:

1. Extremely poor quality

Of course one doesn’t expect the quality of replica sunglasses to be anywhere near the original branded stuff. But the thing is, these sunglasses are so poor in quality that they can cause immense damage e.g. the lenses will obviously not be shatter-proof, causing grievous injury to the eyes in case an accident takes place.

2. Zero UV protection

If anyone is manufacturing replica sunglasses, their primary objective will be to ensure that the looks are exactly as the original model. The anti-UV protection factor is nearly zero, thus defeating the basic purpose of sunglasses- eye protection from the sun. A very good reason not to buy knockoffs.

3. Lens distortion

Due to the inferior quality of replica sunglasses, the lenses will be also quite distorted. This can have adverse effects on the person wearing them, for instance, causing frequent headaches, dizziness, uneven depth perception and other visual disturbances. Another reason not to go for the fake stuff.

4. Fragile, brittle and short shelf-life.

Designer sunglasses are always manufactured using the best quality materials and the latest optical technologies. Original sunglasses are a lifetime of an investment- they are long-lasting, highly comfortable and extremely durable. They won’t break apart if you drop them accidentally. But with replicas, it’s altogether a different story. They are made from cheap, inferior materials which result in flimsy quality shades- fragile, brittle and having a short shelf life. And if by chance you drop them (even from a small height), they’ll just smash into pieces.

5. No monetary gains, only pains

Initially, buying knockoffs may seem to be quite appealing as the looks are just what you desired. But in the long run, you’ll realise what a gargantuan mistake you made. First of all, it’s pretty obvious that they’ll not last long, so you’ll end up purchasing either replacement pairs or the original sunglasses after all. Also, any injury caused to the eyes due to the inferior quality will burn a big hole in your pocket. When you calculate the medical expenses incurred, you’ll be cursing the day you fell for cheap replica sunglasses.

Owning the real thing always gives a lot of satisfaction. Also, top designer brands like Ray Ban Sunglasses, Gucci Sunglasses, Marc Jacobs Sunglasses and Prada Sunglasses regularly come up with new discount schemes to lure their fashion savvy customers. So why not spend a wee bit more and buy only original sunglasses?