Are Glasses Good For Your Eyes?

Almost everyone who has a eye defect is making use of either artificial lenses, contact lenses or glasses. These artificial lenses only offer a temporary solution. They just help you see clearly.

You have to depend on them for everything. I used to play soccer when I was a teen. But my vision problem always kept me from playing my best as I could not see without the glasses. Heading the ball and scoring goals accurately was extremely difficult.

Every one is looking for a quick fix. But the quick fix never works. A wise man once said “Change the System to Change the Symptom”. Unfortunately, we are trying to fix the symptom and not change the system.

Believe it or not, your eyes can heal themselves. By using artificial lenses, you are actually preventing your eyes from healing itself.

The main cause of eye defects is mental stress and eye strain. You must do everything you can do to keep your eyes from strain.

There are natural exercises that can be performed every day to improve your vision. If you do these exercises everyday for up to 90 days, you will get back your vision.

These exercises used to be performed by experienced Indian Yogis. Some of these exercises are:

*Fun in the Sun
*Blinking and Breathing
*Neck Rotation

Lack of sleep is another reason for bad vision. Less sleep causes mental strain which in turn affects your health especially the eyes and the immune system. Believe it or not, your eyes is directly influenced by your diet and your lifestyle.

Wearing artificial lenses can make our eyes lazy and teach us many bad habits. Concentrate on fixing the problem of mental strain and don’t just cover up the problem.