Are Your Prescription Glasses Causing You More Harm Than Good?

I was a pretty good student back in college. Although not with perfect scores every time, I was good enough to be in the top 10 to top 20 of my student peer batch. The reason for my success was due to my dilligence in hitting the books regularly. Alas, this diligence has a downfall to it, my eye sight failed and I had to get prescription glasses to correct my eye sight.

I have a non-prescriptive sun glass, and that is no problem, as it only masks the rays from the sun to your eyes. However, for prescriptive glasses, you need to ensure that you get the right prescription. My first prescribed glasses were bad, and caused me frequent headaches and fatigue, without me understanding why initially. My studies suffered for a while, until I nailed down the cause, which was my improperly prescribed eye glasses.

Always get a properly educated and certified optometrist to examine your eyes and prescribe your glasses. Ensure that they have the right certs from reputable colleges or educational institutions. Ask around among your friends or family members for good recommendation or feedback toward their optometrists. Ensure that your optometrist has the right depth and breadth of skills to be a lifelong optometrist for you.

If you think that you only need to check your eyes every couple of years, think again. Your health can affect your vision and eye balls integrity. The two biggest diseases that plague the citizens in developed nations are hypertension and diabetes, from excessive stress and sugar intake. They can worsen your vision, so do get them check by optometrists regularly, or even see an ophthalmologist.

The best method is still to get rid of your glasses, and seek to regain your natural perfect eye sight. I have thrown away my glasses several years back, and was thankful that I am saved from a lifetime of eye wear inconveniences and costs.

I now have perfect vision in my right eye, and near perfect in my left. I have searched for natural ways to improve my vision, and have found one that actually works for me. Do check out the scientifically proven, natural and easy way to improve your vision, without burning a hole in your pocket.