Basic Facts about Prescription Eyeglasses

Persons, who have the following vision problems such as astigmatism, myopia, or farsightedness, need prescription eyeglasses. Although it may sound like common sense, sometimes it’s not that easy to spot who needs prescription eyeglasses.

Here’s a short but telling list of mannerisms you could be subconsciously doing. Any combinations of these are signs that you need to have your eyes examined.

o If you find yourself consistently sitting too close to, the television set to see clearly.

o If you hold a book too close that it’s almost touching your nose.

o If you use a finger to follow along while reading.

o If you squint when you look into the distance.

o If you tend to tilt your head to see better.

o If you frequently rub your eyes.

o If you notice, you’ve become more sensitive to light.

o If you find that, your eyes are constantly tearing.

o If you close one eye in order to read, watch TV or see objects better.

If you see yourself, or any member of your family exhibit a combination of these mannerisms, have your eye check up with a licensed optometrist.

Don’t fall into the temptation of self prescribing or picking discount eyeglasses. You’ll end up damaging your eyes. That said, as you get older, you should have regular or annual eye exams. This will stop any early eye condition from worsening. Don’t think a one kind of prescription eyeglasses works for all kinds of eyes. You’ll get headaches, and make the problem permanent.

Ok, now you’ve got your eye condition properly diagnosed. You’re ready to pick your very own pair of prescription eyeglasses, what are the tips to remember? Should the frame be fashionable or frugal?

Well, if you are buying only one pair of prescription eyeglasses, it’s better to pick a classical pair.

Ask that your lenses be scratch resistant.

If your are buying for your child, whose prescription changes often, just keep changing the lenses so the prescription warrant this rather than to keep changing the frame.

You can resort to buying cheap frames, but you can not compromise on the quality of the lenses. If you need prescription eyeglasses, it’s always wise to go to a licensed optometrist. Protect your these two most precious resources.