Best Sunglasses – Why Would You Buy Any Other Than These… You Want the Best Sunglasses?

Sunglasses, Lawn Bowls, the great outdoors.

Lawn Bowlers are crazy people. Your OzPianoman is one of those. Another enthusiast playing Bowls under the relentless, harsh and harmful Australian sun. Right from the outset however, I was concerned about Eye Health and where to obtain real eye protection. So I did some research.

What sort of Eye Protection might You be needing?

That intense glare out there suggested the safest and Best Sunglasses might be costly to buy. Had no real need for sunglasses at all before this! Not being beach lovers, most outdoor activity had been wintertime and trudging through numerous delightfully damp rain forests here in Oz suited us, quite nicely, thankyou. Now though, UV exposure had some alarm bells ringing and was a major worry.

Best Sunglasses to buy?

Most expensive pair I possessed were found when hiking in the Ozzie bush; A discarded pair of mirror Bollees (think they were designed for the Snow). My big Find was of little value however, because with their very dark lenses, I sure didn’t enjoy wearing them and they were far from satisfactory when driving a car. Had purchased some cheap replica styles on-line (Men in Black and other celebs). Pure Rubbish those. Didn’t wear them for long at all. What changed my way of life was obtaining some sunglasses with the Blue blocking lenses; And not long after that,

Eagle Eyes Sunglasses changed my view on life as well.

It had all started with me at age 60 taking up Lawn Bowls. Surprised everyone with a few big wins in an unexpectedly short time frame, credit for which I give to the designers of these wonderful shades. Recognising a need to obtain quality Eyewear, rather than the coloured glass fashion stuff they sell over the counter, I wanted to know more about those Blue Blokka specs I had seen advertised on TV many years earlier. Some outlandish claims were being made about how effective they are and that these sunglasses’ design dealt with problems associated with UV exposure. Fascinating stuff at the time. Back then however, a bit expensive it seemed to me. This time around, I found plenty of reference to American infomercials on TV websites, reviews for the product and they were still avail on-line in the States. It appeared that nobody was selling those particular UV sunglasses here in Australia anymore; Perhaps the result of low US prices now, compared to what I had seen quoted years ago. So from the US of A I got me a pair rushed to Melbourne downUnder. Aha, just what the doctor ordered! Loved the way these new sunglasses of mine seemed to highlight things that others couldn’t.

For Lawn Bowlers the definition is just incredible.

Success at bowls is a matter of getting the delivery line right and it was almost as though someone marked out the line for you to follow; I reckon I found the key to success right there.

With a blade of grass here and a darker patch there, here a spot, there a spot, another one for me to focus on; Ol’ Pianoman had some wins, ee-i-ee-i-yo!

Made quite an impression on other players permitted to peek through my “secret weapon” eyewear. But then, my new, u beaut, blue blocking specs got broken. As a result, I went looking for a superior product, discovered Eagle Eyes and ordered a few styles. And it came to pass that a number of my fellow Lawn Bowlers are now sporting Eagle Eyes Sunglasses. With perhaps one exception, they’ve all chosen the “Extremes”. And they’re laughing. Well under $40 a pair. Me? The one exception; I wanted the Best model in the range and bought the ultra lightweight design :

Eagle Eyes Sunglasses with the Titanium frames.

They sure are durable! A more expensive choice, but certainly cheaper than what’s available elsewhere; And at the price, compared with what’s offered by other “famous” brands, you’d be crazy not to consider these first.

Directions for Use?

Away from Lawn Bowls they’re now constant companions. For Christine and me both. Splendid for Bush walking, great for driving, especially into the morning or setting sun … and for sitting out on the balcony sipping a quiet glass or two – very cool. Yes, you can get clip ons. I even have Eagle Eyes over my reading glasses as well. Wear what you like, but do read how the Eagle Eyes lenses were developed. Like me, I think you’ll be impressed by the concept and what is presented here.

Convinced? I was; And as an owner, I can certainly attest to their Comfort, Quality, Durability and the pleasure I take in wearing Eagle Eyes.

I truly believe they are the World’s Best Sunglasses.