Choosing The Best Sunglasses

Sunglasses can be practical and they can be a fashion statement. So why not make both? Just like anything that is part of the fashion world sunglasses have gone through different trends. From small to huge, there is always a new type of frame that is the must have of the season.

Choosing frames based on a fad is never a good idea, unless you have a face shape that looks good with all frames then your sunglasses could look very out of place. Now your face shape and you can begin to find the best frames for yourself.

Choosing the Right Frame

If you are blessed with an oval face then you can wear almost any type of sunglasses. Your face shape works well with rimless, big frames, square frames and wraparounds. Don’t be afraid to try what’s new and trendy, go wild with the shapes and sizes because your face can balance out any style.

If you have a round face you want to contrast the shape of your face with the sunglasses you choose. This means that you want to look for rectangular frames that are wide. Your frames should be wider than the widest part of your face or as wide as the widest part. You can also choose a pair that has a brow bar to pull attention to the upper portion of your face.

The idea of contrast is also one that you should play with when you have a square face shape. This type of face shape allows you to wear some of the more unusual styles. Cat eye sunglasses were very much in vogue in the sixties and seventies and you can wear them too. Softer styles that have curves such as oval frames are also great on a square face.

If you have a narrow forehead and chin but very high cheekbones then you have what is called a diamond face shape. Wearing the wrong frames can make your face look very hard or too angular. Opt for smaller frames; frames should be no wider than your cheekbones. You can experiment with rimless frames and oval shapes to soften your face.

Think of contrasting the type of sunglasses with your face shape. You want to do this not just with the frame but also the color of the lenses and frames. Choose colors that contrast with your skin color. Try on a few pairs and you will soon find that you cannot choose a pair based on what is popular right now.