Disposable Contact Lens – How the Experts Choose Safe and Healthy Ones Before Buying Them

Our world is slowly and gradually becoming an unhealthy place due to increasing pollution day by day. Dust and smog adversely affect our health as we inhale a lot of unhealthy air on our roads and at our work places. The other areas that are highly under risk of infections are our skin and eyes.

Our eyes have a protective mechanism which keeps our eyes clear of the ill effects of our surroundings. This mechanism virtually goes into an over drive when a person wears a dirty contact lens. This is an inherent problem with contact lenses that if a contact lens is not cleaned regularly and properly it can cause infection to the eye. The regular contact lenses needs to be cleaned and disinfected on daily basis.

This routine becomes a hassle or the user as non compliance to this routine can cause infection to the eye.

The remedy for this entire exercise is the use of safe disposable contact lens which gives the user the freedom from this exercise. The disposable contact lenses do not need to be cleaned and are thrown away after they are removed.

The disposable lenses are basically of two categories, which are daily disposable and extended wear. As the names indicate, the daily disposable are required to be discarded after being used for a day while the extended ware are put on once and removed after about six days.

You can even sleep while wearing these. At the end of the period the lenses are removed and replaces with a new set. This gives the user complete protection from the chances of getting any sort of infection that is linked with improper disinfection of the lenses

Therefore as a contact lens user who is hygiene conscious and does not have the luxury of time, your ideal choice should be the use of safe disposable contact lenses.

For more information on Acuvue Color Contacts, please visit FastContactLens which is an educational website devoted to helping people understand contact lenses and make a good contact lens selection.