Dry Eyes Contacts – Why and How

Dry eyes contacts work for many people. That’s because aging eyes get drier and aren’t there plenty of aging people. Many women seem especially to suffer with the dry eye problem. Here’s what my latest check-up taught me.

Special moist contacts retain the moisture built into the lenses. The lens design produces a higher moisture contact that stays that way longer. Why does that matter?

It matters because as contacts dry, they begin to draw moisture from the eye surface. It isn’t just that the contacts aren’t helping the eyes remain moist, they are pulling moisture. That happens only so long and then it’s no fun for eyes.

As the eyes dry, the lens more likely begins to actually touch the eye surface. See, it normally rides on a thin film of fluid on the surface of the eye. It isn’t really touching. That’s what makes wearing contacts comfortable if everything’s right.

But, if the eye begins to dry, sure enough the contact starts to hit the eyeball. That equals irritation and that scratchy feeling and all kinds of other sensations, none of them good.

That’s what my eye doctor explained to me and that’s why special dry eyes contacts work better, even when others have failed. Often people who gave up on contacts now wear them again with comfort. That’s if the dry eye problem drove them back to glasses.

Several companies make these. Different models work for different eye problems. What you get usually depends on the experience of your eye care professional.

Get more details about discount contact lens buying at our website.