Guide on Prescription Glasses

A few years’ back spectacles were considered drab and a burden and people wanted to get rid of them. However, with the eye care industry evolving tremendously, the market is now flooded with a range of prescription glasses for people to choose from.

Frame Styles

The three fundamental frame styles are fully rimmed, semi rimless and rimless spectacles. The fully rimmed spectacles are the most traditional and most preferred by people.

Usually these spectacles are made of materials like metal, plastic or a combination of both these materials. However, lately glasses are even made of materials like wood or bamboo.

The designer frames are the most stylish and sought after spectacles. These frames come in exemplary patterns, styles and colours that always leave an indelible mark. A branded pair of glasses assures superior looks, quality and comfort making it complete value for money.

With the availability of so many frames, it can become a tad difficult to choose the right one. So it is always recommended to bear in mind a few simple tips:

1. Individuals with prominent cheeks must choose frames with a slender look with not very deep lenses. Spectacles with deep lenses would accentuate the cheeks further.

2. For individuals with prominent eyebrows, it is recommended to advise semi rimless frames as the top rim would highlight the eye brows.

3. Those who have a low nose bridge should choose glasses with nose pads so that they remain firm and do not slip off.

4. For those with a very high prescription, it is better to opt for thinner frames.

5. Rimless glasses can be a good option if people feel uncomfortable or claustrophobic after wearing rimmed prescription glasses.

6. For smaller faces, glasses with sleek metal frames are recommended.

These are just a few of the guidelines that can help people in selecting the correct prescription glasses that enhance their looks and offers optimum comfort.