How Do You Know When You Need Reading Glasses?

As we age, most of us require reading glasses. But how do you know when it’s the right time to take that step and purchase them? While your best bet is to talk to an optometrist, here are some guidelines that will tell you when it’s time to start considering reading glasses.

1. You squint when reading – you struggle to read text, regardless of the size or find that you’re moving what you’re reading far from your face.

2. You’ve crossed the 40 threshold – statistics show that after 40 there’s a good chance that, if you’re not wearing glasses full-time, you’ll need to wear them on a temporary basis to read.

3. You have regular headaches – as you’re straining to read, you can develop headaches that stem from your eyes. You can improve your vision and reduce your headaches by using reading glasses.

4. Your arms aren’t long enough – while reading you find yourself having to put the book, newspaper, magazine, or even your computer monitor, so far from your face that you can no longer reach it.

While your eyesight is not the only factor that may tell you when you’re getting old, you may find that these signs give you an idea as they most often occur in people over the age of 40. Your eyes can also be a gateway into your overall health, so talking to your eye doctor can give you more insight into your health as you age so you can make it an even greater priority.