How Often Do You Change Acuvue Contacts?

If you are wearing contact lenses to correct your vision problems, you probably know that it’s very important to care for them to ensure the best results. While there are a great variety of vision care products out there, Acuvue brand contact lenses can be a convenient solution that will enable you years of enjoyment and clear eyesight if cared for properly.

You will keep your eyes healthy if you follow a regular regime of cleaning and replacing them when needed. How often do you change Acuvue contacts? Here are some guidelines to help you answer this question, depending on what type of lens option you choose.

When you first receive your new eyewear from your optician, listen carefully to what he or she tells you as far as when you should change them. Eye care professionals receive years of training on the many brands of contact lenses and know the most about when you should remove them, clean them, and dispose of them.

Most people today choose to wear lenses that are extended wear, meaning you can leave them in for extended periods of time, sometimes up to a month at a time. Keep in mind, however, that even these lenses should be cleaned and eye drops used often to keep the eye area moistened. This also helps maintain good contact between the eye and the lens for optimum performance.

Here are the three most common types of Acuvue lenses, with their disposal schedules:

Daily Disposable Lenses
You should wear these lenses for one day, and then remove them before sleeping at night and dispose of them. Start with a new pack in the morning. There’s no need for cleaning or sanitizing each day, which is great for anyone who experiences frequent eye infections or isn’t comfortable wearing them while sleeping.

Reusable Lenses
These contact lenses should be worn daily, but should be removed at the end of each day and placed into a sterilizing solution overnight. Then they can be placed back in the eyes in the morning. It’s recommended that they be replaced every two weeks.

Extended Wear Lenses
This type of lens can be worn day and night, up to six consecutive days without removing. At the end of the week, they should be removed and discarded. Then a fresh pair can be used for the following week. If you take out the lenses mid-week, be sure to cleanse them before replacing.

Being a contact lens wearer does require a bit more maintenance than being a glasses wearer. However, with proper care and a strict cleansing and replacement routine, you should enjoy the many conveniences and aesthetic advantages of using them. As a rule of thumb, anytime you wear your lenses and your eyes feel uncomfortable, hydrate them with an approved eye solution. Never rub your eyes as this can damage both the device and your eye and can cause abrasions or infections of the eye area. If you get something in your eye, its best to remove the lens first, then hydrate the eye to flush it out. Always buy your lenses from an approved optical provider and stay away from cheap imitations.

Shop online when looking for Acuvue Oasys, Halloween lenses and special effects contacts. Providing the widest selection of contacts at huge savings when compared to retail prices.