John Lennon Sunglasses: Timeless Shades

The round, circular, and often color tinted pair of tea shades, usually referred to as John Lennon Sunglasses, have stayed relevant in the fashion accessory world for a long time. Rocker, John Lennon, wore them frequently in his later days with The Beatles, and throughout his solo career. He was often pictured with them in his later days, walking the streets of New York City, with his wife Yoko Ono wearing a similar pair. There are also many photos of the musical legend sporting the shades that can be found in stores and bought online.

They were always known as tea shades, before John Lennon forever changed the way the piece of fashion apparel would always be referred to. It’s quite amazing, and a testament to his fame and talent, that a fashion item would be re-branded forever with his name. Imagine having a general fashion item named for you just because you wore the item so frequently. There aren’t many other icons I can think of that have achieved similar successes.

There are many other who have worn tea shades, like heavy metal rocker Ozzy Osbourne, or Kate Hudson in the movie “Almost Famous”. The shades are also commonly thought of as a an homage to the “Love Revolution” of the late 1960’s. A sure sign of the times that have survived to this day, about 40 years later.

It’s hard not to look at someone who is wearing John Lennon Sunglasses and not think they are enjoying some sort of groovy mood. They can often commonly be associated with a mind altered type of state the wearer may have self-induced. Tea Shades are very often worn by the stereotypical Hippie or flower child. They go right along with tie-dyes and a bandanna.

Sometimes it may be hard to find a good pair of John Lennon Sunglasses. I had a really difficult time the last time I was searching for a pair a few months ago. I usually find good deals on sunglasses at those island shops in the middle of the local mall, but this time they had a very slim selection. I ended up finding a great pair online for a great price.