Reading Glasses Glossary of Terms

Reading glasses come in many shapes and sizes, all named according to their particular variation. However, the wide variety of the reading glasses types offered in today’s market may provide confusion for the average glasses buyer. For example, can you differentiate the definition of a bridge versus a frame, bifocal versus multifocal or polycarbonate versus power? Terms such as these are most often cited in the names or titles of reading glasses, which have become increasingly technical in recent years due to technological and medical advancements.

It is important for consumers to gain some understanding of these technical words and phrases, as this is sure to make finding one’s perfect pair more achievable. Are you in the market for a pair of reading glasses with which you easily carry on your person? Folding, or compact, which fold into a compact shape and size, are typically small enough to fit into a shirt pocket. Are you a stickler for a squeaky-clean lens? You need know the term hydrophobic, which describes a lens coating that is designed to ease cleaning.

Particularly important are terms related to chief function – magnification. Those in the market for readers should know the difference between a bifocal, trifocal and multifocal lens, as the divergences between these groupings are paramount. A bifocal lens features two distinct optical powers, while a trifocal lens features three regions to correct distance, intermediate and near vision. Encompassing both characterizations, a multifocal lens offers segments which provide two or more powers.