Say Goodbye to Your Glasses

A majority of people wearing glasses may wonder whether they can take off the boring glasses entirely some day. The answer is absolutely yes. The following methods introduced below will do well to your eyes without doubt. But please take off your glasses before you take action.

See by Central fixation

Macular Lutae is the most sensitive part of sight in retina. It’s a quite small point, only one-sixteenth of an inch in diameter in the centre of retina. Pictures that we see are projected right on Macular Lutae, so we can see scenery clearly. In this way, you look at the things by central fixation. Otherwise, you are seeing by eccentric fixation.

How to know by which way you are seeing? Here is a small test. Focus on a word on this page, and then stand one step back to see it. If you feel more comfortable a step away, you should be careful about eccentric fixation.

Eccentric fixation has many bad effects. When you see too long by Eccentric fixation, headaches, pain and discomfort of eyes will strike you. They largely lead to eye disorders. However, they can be prevented by some ways. Close your two eyes. Press two sides of your nose from bottom to the inner canthus with the forefingers. Don’t press too hard in case of being hurt. And don’t press on the eyeballs, for they can’t afford that strength. Repeat that for several minutes, and you’ll benefit from it.

Another particular factor you should pay attention to is to see one small area at a time clearly and move your attention to the next area, on and on. Many eye disorders choose to see larger areas than they can see. In fact, it’s completely wrong, which will not only cause eye stress but also a narrower view. For this reason, you’d better learn to see one tiny area at a time. After your eyesight is obviously improved, you can manage to see larger areas.

See with your minds. We always ignore some things besides us, for we are so accustomed to them. But if you are asked to describe them in detail, I think only a very small part can do. It is not too late to realize their presences. From now on, look at each of them one by one quickly. Then try to recall all the things you see with your minds, but not with your eyes. Remember their characteristics clearly in case you say nothing when being asked. Moreover, eyes can be improved at the same time.