Special Effects Contacts Can Change Your Whole Appearance From Wild Animal to Space Alien

At one time these special effects contacts would only have been seen in a film or theatrical context but now they are available to anyone.

You can choose cosmetic, meaning no sight correction, or Rx which would be prescription for sight correction.

Be aware though that reputable suppliers insist on your obtaining a prescription either from your doctor or optician before you would be allowed to purchase these fun design special effects contacts whether you have perfect sight or not.

They are, after all, contact lenses and have to be looked after in exactly the same way as normal sight correction contacts. This means they should not be worn all night and they must be properly and hygienically cleansed with good quality cleansing solutions.

Some of the designs can cost quite a lot of money so unless money is no object with you, you will want to be able to make them last as long as possible. This will only happen if you take all the advice you can get on the care of the contacts.

Remember also, these might be fun items but your eyes are very vulnerable and you should do nothing that would put them at risk of damage in any way. This is why these reputable suppliers insist on you having professional advice and help in fitting them.

You may purchase the item online but you would still be advised to get help with fitting them. This is absolutely essential if you don’t have any sight problem but you just want the colored contacts for party fun.

There is an amazing selection some of them are an enhancement for your eyes, either a change of color of the iris or there are some available which are made to make your eyes look bigger [and they do] and this type are quite inexpensive.

If you are just putting your toe in the water of funky special effects contacts and daren’t go too much over the top perhaps just a change of eye color would be a start or the type that make your eyes look bigger and therefore more attractive.

When you have tried that type for a while you may want to be a little bolder and believe me some of the designs are definitely bolder.

There are certain designs which seem to appeal more than others and some suppliers have a ‘top ten’ list. However, it is all down to individual choice, just because other people like the top ten doesn’t mean that you cannot choose something else.

You will certainly have plenty of choice and you can be as weird as you like. There are vampire looks, bloodshot designs, eyes like animals in fact the list is just to big to show here.

Can you imagine turning yourself into a wild creature or an alien. Click Here. For More Free Information on special effects contacts