The Connection Between Contact Lenses and Dry Eyes

Dry eye is a very common disorder in which the tear film that protects the eye is found to be deficient. The reason for this is the decrease in the volume of tears to create the film. It can be due to less production or excessive tear evaporation. In both the cases the result is the same, which are dry eyes.

This condition can damage the outer surface of the eye and the patient suffers severe discomfort and irritation.

There are several varying reasons for this condition which range from chemical and drug reaction wearing contact lenses. The symptoms of dry eye typically include burning, stinging, redness, foreign body sensation, excess tearing, and intermittent blurred vision.

Many studies have revealed that almost 50% of the populations who wear contact lenses suffer from this disease in a mild to severe form. In most of the cases, the problem is underlying and is not detected until the person starts wearing contact lenses. That is the reason FDA has made it mandatory for an eye test when a person desires to buy contact lenses, so that the underlying condition is known to the person beforehand.

When it is mandatory for a person suffering from dry eyes, to wear contact lenses for corrective or cosmetic purposes, there are ways to reduce the discomfort:

Contact lens rewetting drops: This is usually a temporary method but does offer some relief. For those with sensitive eyes, it is better to use a preservative free drop for this purpose.

Re soaking lenses frequently: People who get dry eyes after a few hours of wearing lenses find much relief by removing and soaking their lenses for a few minutes. This method ensures that there is less irritation to the wearer.

Good maintenance of lenses: replacing lenses as often as prescribed, properly cleaning lenses ensures comfort for extended periods. Protein deposits and other types of buildup on the lens surface contribute to increased lens dryness. Sometimes switching to a more disposable lens or switching to a different or stronger lens cleaning system also helps.

Blinking: Blinking frequently and shutting eyes for a while have proved to be helpful in rewetting the lenses and maintain comfort. One reason for dryness is constant concentration without blinking as found in most computer users.

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