The Eyeglass Accessory: The Cliched and Chic – Part One

Everyone has seen a movie or TV show in which an authority figure (usually one that is much hated or much loved) is wearing hideous eyeglasses attached to an equally hideous eyeglass necklace. Either the librarian with the ready evil eye and hissing finger, the sexy professor with the free time after class for a special French lesson, the geeky professor with disheveled clothes and incurable bed head, and the aged coach with the tight green shorts, whistle, clipboard, and a propensity for yelling.

These TV shows and movies entertain us, but they also make the eyeglass necklace into some kind of villains costume requirement. That shouldn’t be the case. Eyeglass necklaces, while traditionally simple chains made for function and not fashion can now be an integral part of your wardrobe. Eyeglass accessories are now fashion accessories.

Each of those clichéd roles needs an upgraded from bust to awesome, and here are a few ways directors and wardrobe designers can crash the clichés and bring a sprig of beauty to a sadly hideous eyeglass accessory.

This article will cover the roles of librarian and the geeky professor.

The Librarian

The librarian is the one person in the world who is allowed to be loud in a library. When they sneak up behind you just to SHUSH you in an obnoxious and wet manner (those TV and movie shushes are usually accompanied by the main character wiping their brow and cheeks after said ‘shush’), they are pushing their horn rimmed glasses further up on the pointed noses, and those glasses are held securely around the neck by an eyeglass necklace made of brown or muddy gray nylon strings. Yuck!

The librarian can be hip and cool! Why not give them an eyeglass accessory as cool as they are? The neat thing about handmade eyeglass necklaces is that they can be made using beads with the imprint of books on them! Also, if the movie or TV show is taking place on a college campus, why not dress up the necklace with the school colors using plastic beads?

The Geeky Professor

One of the most often seen character portrayals is the geeky professor with mused hair and an awkward presence. The glasses of the geeky professor are usually broken and held together with clear tape or super glue, and the eyeglass necklace is so loose and dangly that it obscures the professor’s face. With the right length of necklace, and the right colors (preferably something bright), the geeky professor can look a lot less geeky, at least from the neck up.

In all honesty, many avid movie goers would love to see the geeky professor transformed into the super sexy professor- and that can be accomplished in simple ways, like replacing their old clunky eyewear with sleeker, chic-er models, and adding in eyeglass accessories that don’t draw attention for the wrong reasons. Eyeglass necklaces should draw attention because of how sophisticated and unique they are, not because they’re frayed, frazzled, or funky (in a bad way).

In the next article, The Eyeglass Accessory: The Clichéd and Chic – Part Two, we will discuss the “science” that goes into making the sexy professor, and the aged PE teacher and junior varsity coach.

For more details about eyeglass necklace and eyeglass necklace, please visit us online.