The Program For Better Vision – Discover the Bates Method For Better Eyesight Without Glasses

If you are looking for the best program for better vision then you have come to the right place. If you are really tired of wearing those irritating pairs of glasses and time wasting expensive contact lenses then this is the time to find the natural eyesight improvement program. Read further to discover the Bates method for natural vision enhancement.

Dr. William Bates invented this method in 1920 through his book called as “Perfect sight without glasses”. He suggested some improvements for school children teaching methods. He actually prepared a big board containing different types of letters and images in different shapes and sizes.

He told children to look at the board whenever they feel tired and strained. The children started to look at the board whenever they face too much eye strain. This really helped them to improve their eyesight and overall work efficiency.

This experiment got successful results and many teachers reported amazing improvements in the school children related to their eyesight and academic progress. But after some time, school authorities rejected this method as they thought that the board was too distracting and time consuming for children. Till this time, the method is still banned in many schools. China is the only country where the Bates method is successfully implemented and still helping the school children to improve their eyesight naturally.

This program for better vision can be implemented by anyone at home. You just need a board with different letters and images of different shapes and sizes. People who work long hours in front the their computers can look at the board whenever they feel strained and tired. The regular 2-3 minutes break and rest using this method can really heal your eyes naturally and help you getting rid of your expensive glasses and contact lenses once and for all.