The Psychological And Social Effects Of Wearing Eyeglasses In Children’s Lives

Seeing is one of the human being’s five common senses. Babies start to see in 3-4 months after the birth. The babies that are born on the expected date, start to see and recognize their mother’s face on the 3rd week. However, the premature babies start to develop this sense much later. Therefore, the development on the surface of the retina must be followed in first weeks.

After a couple of months a baby can follow the figures with his/her eye, but the development of the sight reflex takes longer. The whole process completes when the child is between 7 and 10. However the eye disorders can start earlier. The children under age of 7 are not able to express themselves properly, so parents usually notice their children’s seeing problems when they start to school. The recent studies show that one of the 4 school age children has an eye disorder.

Parents should be careful about their children’s eyes’ positions and movements. They can check if their children’s both eyes are parallel to each other during the eye contact. Also the difficulties with the actives that need eye-hand coordination, reading and watching TV from a close distance, winking frequently, etc are also signs of eye disorders.

Farsighted, nearsighted, astigmatism, strabismus and amblyopia (lazy eye) are the common disorders that are seen in children. We have to mention that amblyopia is not only an eye disorder, it is also a problem in the brain. So parents cannot be notice it with the usual eye controls.

What ever their eye disorder is, the children will need to wears eyeglasses to be more successful at school. We all know that children are not good eyeglasses users. After all they cannot be as careful as adults with them. They can easily drop and break their glasses while they are playing. The parents have to prefer resistant metal frames and plastic eyeglasses lenses for their children.

As buying new glasses every month can cost a lot to the parents, they usually warn their children to be careful about them. So children may pull themselves away when they are with other children. Because they are not allowed to break their glasses again, they may prefer to watch the others playing. This causes depressive mood and low self-esteem in children. Also wearing glasses can be found funny by other children. Therefore, the children with glasses are usually the subject of kidding. Besides the disadvantages of wearing eyeglasses, it is also a good way to give responsibility to the children. The glasses are their belongings and they are the one who are responsible about it.

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