Throwing Away Your Glasses – Natural Ways To Improve Your Eyesight And Get Back Your 20/20 Vision

Do you want to improve your eyesight without glasses or contact lenses? Have you been to an optometrist, and found out how expensive and costly glasses and contact lenses can be? Most likely, you have no idea that you can help your eyesight improve and maintain 20/20 vision using different methods than the ones stated above, and that’s what I’m here to tell you about as you read this article.

For people who have problems with their vision, often they feel their only choices are glasses, contact lenses or invasive surgeries such as laser treatments. These may not always work, and in the long-term can cause more damage than originally done. The eyes are a muscle, and just like any muscle they can be exercised to maintain health and to become stronger. The use of glasses of contact lenses have a tendency to make your eyes weaker and lazier, just like if you were to sit around all day it would become hard to walk.

Natural Ways To Improve Your Eyesight

There are many ways to use natural vision correction techniques to improve your daily life. Especially as the day-to-day use of your eyes cause damage, from staring at a television or a computer screen for too long without a break. The human eyes naturally need to look around, and to have their focus change regularly. One of the main ways to help improve your vision is too allow your eyes to wander, to take a gander around you. You don’t have to look at anything in particular, just looking around helps in strengthening the muscles.


Another way to improve your eyesight without glasses or contact lenses is to warm up your hands after you wake up, and hold them over your eyes for a few minutes. This will help your eyes to warm up in the morning, and make it easier to adjust to the daily grind your eyes are preparing themselves for. Your eyes are used constantly through out the day. Imagine if you walked all day, how much your leg muscles would ache. Your eyes are just like your legs, and need to be warmed up. This method is called ‘Palming’ and is extremely easy to do, and very effective.

The Bates Method

Another method is called the ‘Bates Method’, and was created in the 1880s by Dr William Bates. Dr Bates helped to find many different eye exercises to improve vision. Despite being shunned at the time by others in his field, the Bates Method is still used in many classrooms today to help students improve and maintain their eyesight.

Want to throw away your glasses and improve your eyesight to get back your 20/20 vision naturally? CLICK