Very Natural Looking Color Contacts

Color contacts come in several different varieties. There are the crazy contacts that can transform your eyes into cat eyes or eight balls. Then there are those that are regularly colored but are still create a bold look. Many people, however, want to have very natural looking color contacts. There are several ways to go about achieving this image.

The Natural Look

All About Vision offers several different suggestions for those who want natural looking contacts. Subtle changes are good for people who only want to enhance the natural beauty of your eyes. For example, if your eyes are blue, go for a green or a hazel. Also, go for an enhancer lens that deepens the natural color of your eyes. If you are a woman who wears makeup, you will want to greatly pay attention to how your makeup and eye color work together. Instead of going against your makeup, go with the flow of your makeup if you want a more natural look.

The Different Tints

One way to make sure that you have the natural look that you desire is to purchase the correct tint for your contacts. Two tints that do not affect eye color are visibility tints, which are only used to help a contact use find them should they fall, and light filtering tents, which are to be used by sports athletes such as golf or tennis to help them see the ball. Enhancement tints are used to enhance the current color of the eye. Enhancement tints work with what you have and intensify it. Then there are color tints. Color tints are opaque colors that dramatically change the color of the eye.


If you want to change the color of your eyes, you must understand that wearing contacts will alter your eye color regardless of the tint that you choose.

Timothy Gorman is a successful Webmaster and publisher of Vision-Doctor. He provides more contact lens tips and discount contact lenses that you can research and purchase in your pajamas on his website.