What Are Breathable Contact Lenses?

Many people don’t want to wear eyeglasses because of the way they make them look. This is because they have bad memories of being picked on during their childhood, or just because they like themselves better without them. This is forcing them to wear contact lenses, but they can be quite uncomfortable at worst, and for this reason there are breathable contact lenses that are supposed to make it a more comfortable experience.

Normal contact lenses are called hard lenses. These are – like the name describes – hard, and can be used for a month before they need to be changed to another pair. During the night you will have to take them away and put them in a fluid that will clean them an preserve them. They don’t let oxygen pass to your eye, and for this reason they can result in you having more veins in your eyes, to be able to support the need for oxygen. Breathable contact lenses are made out of modern materials that let air pass almost freely, and that way they are more comfortable to wear and don’t have the side-effects that the normal lenses do.

Without these lenses you could suffer from corneal oxygen deficiency, which is basically a fancy way of saying that your eyes are not getting the oxygen that they need. Breathable lenses are made out of silicone or hydrogel that let the air to get to your cornea, and also they will make it less likely for you to have infections in your eyes. So if you are someone who is having irritation in their eyes because of the contacts that you are wearing, you should really give them a try.

If you want to find out more about breathable contact lenses, then have a look at this site. It is packed up with information about the latest research on contacts, and it can help you to avoid common problems that people make when they get their contacts online.