Your New Sunglasses – Wear Them the Hip and Cool Way

So you shopped around and tried on all the styles and after hours (days? weeks?) of searching you picked out the perfect pair of designer sunglasses (maybe you chose knockoffs). They fit your face right, maybe cover some bags under the eyes, and project the exactly correct attitude to advance your career to untold new heights. You have arrived!

Now comes the time to actually wear them the hip way they were made to be worn. Keep these thoughts in mind to achieve the highest level of hipness and avoid the snickers that unhipness will undoubtedly attract.

Top of the Head Perch

This works well for those of us who have LOTS of hair. People with lots of hair can use their new sunglasses like a barrette or headband, perhaps using them to hold their hair behind their ears. This look is very alluring and many ladies have used it to attract attention. Bald people must avoid perching their sunglasses on their head at all costs. It creates an alien look that is the opposite of alluring. I mean it.

Hooked in an Open Collar Shirt

Ladies can do this one if they wish to attract attention to their cleavage. It works OK for men who use it to enhance an already confident build. Be aware that this position lacks security and may result in the loss of your new purchase.

Hooked into the Back Collar

Ladies should never do this. Athletic men suddenly in a situation that requires hands-on action have great appearance success doing this, but desk jockeys not so much.

Hooked into a Belt Loop

This style traces back to the late 1980s when a young man in Los Angeles needed a safe and secure place to put his sunglasses while at the horse races. It has since found wide popularity due to its security, but be aware that others will not notice your new sunglasses. How is that fun? Ladies have other options better suited to them and should avoid this move.

Eyeglass Chain or Strap

Older women look striking when they wear reading or other clear glasses around their neck on a chain, but sunglasses on a chain do not work so well. Not even for Diane Keaton. Use a strap to hold your sunglasses on your eyes when playing a game like basketball. Any other time is completely unacceptable.

Of course, you will wear your sunglasses over your eyes most of the time. The above pointers apply to those times when you need your eyes uncovered. Also be aware that these suggestions apply to designer brands like Prada, Oakley, Ray Bans, and Maui Jim as well as their knock offs. Just because you saved some money do not think that allows you to look lame. Enjoy your new sunglasses and wear them well so that others can enjoy them, too.