LASIK Surgery is Competing With Glasses and Contacts

Many folks now are deprived of 20/20 vision because of various vision problems. The positive side is that most common visual problems such as nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism are correctable. While corrective eyeglasses and contact lenses have been into existence for many decades, laser eye surgeries including LASIK have a shorter history. But an obvious trend in the society is that LASIK is becoming a popular alternative taken by individuals suffering vision defects.

The fact is that not everyone likes wearing eyeglasses, even if spectacles nowadays have taken a new dimension that more and more fashionable elements can be added. There are still some styles of glasses that come in ugly appearance by incorporating thick lenses. In addition, eyeglasses will inevitably exert extra burden on the wearer’s nose. What’s more, wearing corrective eyeglasses requires the wearer to change a prescription at certain times, which means long-term expense.

Contact lenses are favored by some individuals because of their inconspicuous nature and the aesthetic enhancement. With the expanding lens options, the public can even get colored contact lenses from ordinary optical stores. By wearing colored lenses, they can achieve unnatural eye colors coming in fresh and ideal. But the most outstanding problem associated with contact lenses is that they always need bothersome lens care on a daily basis. Even with the availability of daily disposable contact lenses, it is still necessary to take good care of these lenses during insertion, staying in the eyes and removal.

Those shortcomings of either eyeglasses or contact lenses urge more and more people with visual defects to go to LASIK surgery. This advanced procedure has become quite mature after several years’ practice. Patients will not experience any pain during the procedure. The vast majority of patients can restore 20/20 visual acuity after the surgery. Before choosing a surgeon, patients should ask all relevant questions and get proper answers. It is the surgeon’s experience and expertise that really matters, rather than the price.